Mar 13, 2025
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
MGT 490 - Entrepreneurship Capstone Project 2018-2019 Catalog Year:
This capstone course is designed as part of the entrepreneurship minor curriculum. It serves to integrate entrepreneurship concepts students have learned in previous entrepreneurship courses and apply them to the new venture creation and/or development context. Through this project-oriented course, students will enhance their experiential knowledge and develop insights to solve firm creation and growth challenges such as idea/concept articulation, opportunity assessment, customer needs analysis, value proposition, financials, and so forth. Students will review their peers’ projects, and individuals/teams will be prepared to launch firms, present their start-up plans for awards and/or seek potential investments.
Prerequisite: MGT 350 and MGT 360 and MKT 330, and ACC 201/202 or ACC 321. Offered: Not on a regular basis. Credit: 3