David Andrews, MA, Univ. of Denver; PhD, Univ. of Michigan. Appointed 2003
Said Atri, BA, MA, Univ. of Tehran (Iran); MS, U of Nevada; PhD, SUNY Albany. Appointed 1981
Ranjit Dighe, BA, Oberlin C.; MA, MPhil, PhD, Yale Univ. Appointed 1997
William Goffe, BA, Univ. of Virginia; PhD Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Appointed 2000
U Jin Jhun
John Kane, BA, King’s C.; MA, PhD, SUNY Stony Brook. Appointed 1983
Elizabeth Schmitt, BS, Truman State Univ.; PhD, Univ. of Iowa. Appointed 1995
Lawrence Spizman, BS, Bryant C.; MA, PhD, SUNY Albany. Appointed 1977. Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities 2011
Glenn Graham, BS, Southwest Missouri State Univ.; MS, Univ. of Nebraska. Appointed 1992