Oswego has many resources and facilities that support student learning and complete the nurturing environment of our academic community. An overview of some of them follows.
Campus Technology Services
Campus Technology Services (CTS) is an integrated service organization caring for administrative computing, instructional computing, network services, technology user support and telecommunications. The department delivers a broad set of infrastructure, applications and services vital to the mission and operation of the College.
Students can start using the technology services on campus by activating their Laker NetID. This is the account required to use many of the services on campus including email, the residence hall network (ResNet), the wireless network, the computer labs, and more. Online activation is available from the “Account Activation Link” at www.oswego.edu/mail.
Electronic mail (e-mail) is an official mechanism of communication at SUNY Oswego. Students, faculty, and staff have the responsibility to use this e-mail in an efficient, effective, respectful, ethical and lawful manner. All are expected to check their SUNY Oswego e-mail on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with college-related communications. Please refer to www.oswego.edu/cts/policies for more information on technology policies.
Internet access is available in student residence hall rooms through a wired connection. Students living on campus may connect their personal computer to access the campus network as well as the Internet from their room. Some residence halls also have wireless access available. There are many wireless computing spaces around campus, identified by a wireless logo. The wireless areas on campus are intended to cover classrooms and public gathering spaces such as academic commons, dining halls, Penfield Library, and the Campus Center. Exact locations of wireless spaces can be found at www.oswego.edu/cts/wireless.
There are numerous computer labs available on campus. CTS provides over 250 Windows and Macintosh computers for general student access and over 700 computers in specialized departmental labs. There are general access computer labs for student use in Penfield Library (including the 24-hour room), Mahar Hall, and Campus Center. There are also labs available in three of the residence halls - Oneida, Scales, and Hart.
Departmental computer labs are available to students in their academic programs. These are located in the Art, Graphic Arts, Chemistry, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Music, Physics, Psychology, and Technology departments as well as the School of Education, and the School of Business.
Phone service is available upon request to students living in the residence halls. On-campus phone calls can be made and incoming calls received at no charge. A billing plan is required to make off-campus phone calls. To set up a billing plan visit the Telecommunications website www.oswego.edu/cts/phone or the Telecommunications Office on the first floor of Culkin Hall.
The myOswego web site, myoswego.oswego.edu, provides student access to their personal college records. Students can register for classes, pay their bill, review financial aid, check their grades, sign up for campus emergency communications, and more.
CTS also provides technology for student and faculty use in the classroom. Many of classrooms are equipped with video/data projection, audio system, VCR/DVD player, document camera, and networked computer access.
The Technology Support Center (TSC - aka the Help Desk) is available to assist students with any of the technology services provided by CTS. Located in 26 Lanigan Hall, the TSC provides a central location and single point of contact for technology support and information. The TSC also provides support over the phone(315-312-3456) or by email at help@oswego.edu. Visit the TSC online at www.oswego.edu/help.
Collegiate Science & Technology Entry Program
171 Campus Center
The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) at SUNY College at Oswego is a scholars program designed to increase the number of historically underrepresented minorities and economically disadvantaged students in scientific, technical, business, and health-related professions, as well as those seeking post-baccalaureate education. CSTEP stresses the importance of high levels of student achievement and involvement. Through CSTEP you get to know and work one-on-one with faculty committed to student success, doing independent research, exploring employment and graduate school opportunities, and developing friendships that last beyond the college years. CSTEP gives students a unique opportunity to interact and work with other students throughout New York State, whom also take their education seriously. Students participate in a wide variety of activities including traveling to academic conferences, graduate school fairs, and career fairs. Additionally, CSTEP students go through extensive preparation for graduate school, including test preparation and assistance in identifying programs.
CSTEP’s mission is to provide a structured network of services that fosters the development of each student’s academic, social, and personal skills with support, guidance, and encouragement of faculty, staff, and fellow CSTEP students. As a CSTEP member students have access to a wide variety of workshops, programs, and support services including networking, mentoring, personal and professional development, exam preparation, tutoring assistance, use of technology, and personalized support.
Participants in CSTEP are expected to be good academic citizens. This means that you will be actively involved in the programs, workshops, and services that the program offers. To be a member in CSTEP you must be a resident of New York State; historically underrepresented in math, science, technology, and health-related fields; a full-time student in good academic standing pursing a degree in an eligible major; and have a GPA of 2.50 of higher. Students who meet these guidelines can pick up an application from the CSTEP Office. CSTEP staff will review the application and notify students upon acceptance.
145 Campus Center
The COMPASS is a comprehensive center for student success designed to assist students in accomplishing four major goals: Discovering a vision for their lives; Developing their skills in and out of the classroom, Defining their future through experiential learning opportunities, and Distinguishing themselves as competitive graduates. The staff of the COMPASS is available to assist students in navigating the transition into, through, and out of college through a variety of personal growth and support programs. Through interaction with these program areas, students may receive help with self assessment and college major confirmation, gain experience through community volunteer and service learning activities, secure internships on and off campus and obtain assistance with their job and/or graduate school search.
New Student Orientation
New students are introduced to the College through an orientation process designed to provide information and support to encourage academic and personal success.
All new transfers and first year students must participate in an orientation program, either over the summer or immediately prior to the Fall or Spring semesters. At orientation, students are introduced to campus and academic life at Oswego, they meet with an advisor, confirm course registration for the upcoming semester, and have the opportunity to take care of other details such as finalizing financial aid, pre-arranging the purchase of textbooks, signing up for fitness centers and getting their student ID card.
Prior to the start of the Fall semester, Welcome Week activities continue the orientation process for new first year and transfer students and include a campus-wide Welcome Picnic, special advisement events, educational events and social activities, all designed to further support the new student transition to Oswego. Receptions/welcome sessions are held for commuters, transfers, athletes and other special populations.
SUNY Oswego’s First Year Programs are designed to help freshmen to be successful in college. These programs include: First Year Advisement (see Academic Advisement under the Curriculum Information section of this catalog), First Choice Academic Experience, and First Year Residential Experience. These programs are geared towards helping the students connect to the faculty, staff and each other.
The First Choice Academic Experience offers small classes specially designed to help first-year students gain skills and access resources necessary to be successful in college. These courses are integrated into the regular curriculum and taught primarily by full-time faculty and staff, providing opportunities for individual attention from the professor and solid group interaction. Oswego offers Preceptor, Gateway, and Service Learning courses in multiple subject areas, as well as Special Interest Programs for eligible individuals including CHAMPS for athletes and Honors. First Year Learning Communities are also available through First Choice, offering students a chance to take a block of integrated courses.
Johnson Hall houses the First Year Residential Experience (FYRE), which offers a structured community encouraging first-year students to succeed academically. Students have academic and social requirements that assist them in becoming involved with life on-campus and the greater community.
Major & Career Exploration/Confirmation and Advisement of Undeclared Students
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Students who are exploring academic majors and related careers can choose to be “undeclared” for their first and second year at Oswego. All undeclared students are assigned to a Faculty/Staff Advisor trained to support students in the process of deciding on a major.
Undeclared first year students are required to participate in at least one COMPASS program, activity, workshop or class specifically designed to support students through the major exploration/confirmation process. Sophomore undeclared students are encouraged to actively participate in advanced exploratory opportunities (including ‘job shadowing’, community service, or internships) to further support the decision-making process.
There are numerous services and resources available to students who are exploring majors including:
- Self Assessments
MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)®
Strong Interest Inventory®
Focus2 Inventories
- Workshops
- Courses - GST 103 Exploring your Strengths; GST 110 Life Planning and Major Exploration
- Undeclared Advisement
Though students may remain undeclared up to the time they complete 60 credit hours, students are encouraged to select and confirm their academic major between 30-45 credit hours as some academic majors have significant core requirements that need to be completed early on to ensure timely progress to graduation.
Transfer Student Services
145 Campus Center
SUNY Oswego’s Transfer Services Office was created in order to provide the almost 900 transfer students with support during their time at Oswego. The Transfer Services Office is responsible for several programs related to transfer success including the MOST Mentoring Program, Tau Sigma National Academic Honor Society, TransferEdge and the Transfer Services website which contains information related to Transfer Orientation, course equivalencies, articulation agreements, transfer student scholarships, and involvement opportunities.
The MOST Mentoring Program (Mentors Offering Support to Transfers) pairs all incoming transfer students with returning transfer students to help new transfer students adjust to their new academic and social community. Tau Sigma is the National Transfer Student Academic Honor Society and any transfer student who transfers in with at least 24 credits and is in the top 20% of their incoming class is eligible.
The Office of Transfer Services is also responsible for the creation and maintenance of program agreements with community colleges and other four-year institutions. We also work with a number of other offices on campus to provide services and programs to aid transfer students in their transition to SUNY Oswego.
Center for Service-Learning and Community Service
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Students and faculty have a number of opportunities to become engaged in the community while they are at SUNY Oswego through both service learning and community service.
Service learning provides a distinctive learning environment in which the community becomes “the classroom” that enhances students’ learning, life experiences, and sense of connection to the greater community. There are several ways students can take part in service learning:
- GST302 (1 credit): Students can take this course as a stand-alone or in conjunction with another course if the instructor approves. Twenty hours of community service, journals and reflection papers, and attendance at discussion sessions are required.
- GST302 (2 credits):While enrolled in this course, students take on the role of group leader at a service site in the community. They oversee logistics and facilitate reflection activities with other student volunteers at the site. 80 hours of service, journals, reflection papers, and attendance at discussion sessions are also required.
- Many instructors, in a wide array of disciplines, have service learning embedded into their curriculum. Students in these classes apply the skills and/or theory they are learning in a course by providing service to the community. The instructors then incorporate reflection of these experiences into the course however they choose.
- The Center for Service Learning and Community Service is a resource to faculty that would like to gain more knowledge of service learning. Staff provide support in setting up service sites and recognition to those faculty who participate.
For those students who choose to voluntarily give up time to participate in community service, there are many options to choose from including on-going sites and one-time events:
On-going sites: Mentor Oswego, Adopt-A-Grandparent, Red Cross and more.
One-time events: Project Serve, Make-A-Difference Day, Alternative Winter and Spring Break, fundraisers, Hunger Banquet, Habitat for Humanity, campus clean-ups, blood drives, and more.
The Center provides a number of other resources including tracking volunteer hours, service transcripts, class presentations, a searchable website, a calendar of upcoming events, a volunteer listserv, and a database with over 170 volunteer sites.
Civic Engagement
Civic engagement is about building stronger interaction, dialog, communication, societal and economic benefit and mutual concern for the community, state, country, and the world. The Center for Civic Engagement coordinates a variety of activities that help students gain and use the knowledge, skills, values, and motivations of engaged citizens who can make change through both political and non-political processes.
We do this by acquainting students through our website with the many civic engagement activities going on in the college community. We also work with Student Association and other groups to plan panels, citizen forums, town halls, and other programs that help members of the Oswego campus community learn about issues and develop deliberative skills. We help bridge town-gown differences by providing opportunities to discuss issues, solve problems, and work on community initiatives with local residents and political officials. And, with Student Association and Residence Life and Housing, we encourage political involvement through voter registration drives and voter education.
The Civic Engagement Office works hand-in-hand with other Compass groups, including Experience Based Education, the Center for Service Learning and Community Services, and Career Services, as well as academic departments and other groups across campus such as the Office of Business and Community Relations. By engaging in civic activities, you will develop and better understanding of the many issues surrounding our world today. Get involve, enhance your quality of life and you will recognize yourself as an integral part of making a difference.
Experience-Based Education
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Students may earn academic credit for a variety of experiential learning opportunities that include internships, career courses as well as college and community service. Students can identify internship placements with the help of our office, use their own networks, consult published guides, or find placements from on-line sources including our own Laker Leads database. Participation in an introductory workshop is required before beginning any of our programs. Experiences can help students identify an appropriate career direction, confirm a choice of major, or provide insight into the relationship between classroom learning and a field of study. Many of the courses offered are open to first year and second year students as well as juniors and seniors. Academic credit for internships is available to students in Fall, Spring, or Summer. Academic papers, assignments, and other documentation of academic learning are required along with confirmed hours at the placement site. For more information see Experience-Based Education under the OTHER ACADEMIC OPTIONS section of this catalog.
Cooperative Education
Cooperative Education is a full-time paid employment opportunity in which classroom study is enhanced by real-world experience. Through Co-op, students can pursue employment in positions related to their academic or career interests. This combination provides an integrated learning experience that enhances both in–class studies and career development. Through Co-op, students develop confidence, professionalism and skills that increase the likelihood of job placement after graduation. SUNY Oswego provides the flexibility to pursue co-op and other experiential opportunities in a way that fits individual education goals. Full-time matriculated undergraduate students may complete one six-month Co-op through SUNY Oswego. Co-op schedules run July to December or January to June as determined by the student’s academic and co-op advisors.
Every student must meet the following eligibility requirements in order to participate in co-op. Additionally, students must work closely with their cooperative education and academic advisement coordinators to ensure that they meet any college or major-specific requirements. Students should be aware of major specific logistics, deadlines and required paperwork.
• Satisfactorily complete a Co-op preparatory course before participating in a Co-op.
• Satisfactorily complete the requirements and deadlines set by their specific Co-op program.
• Have any self-developed Co-op approved by their cooperative education coordinator before accepting a position.
• Comply with any pre-employment checks required by the employer.
• Make satisfactory progress toward their degree.
• Have the Co-op placement approved by a co-op coordinator.
• Transfer students must have completed at least one semester of classes before participating in a Co-op.
Students register for Co-op the semester prior to the Co-op placement with assistance from the Co-op coordinator. There are no tuition charges for a Co-op placement. Standard room and board, if applicable for on-campus housing will be assessed. Students who are eligible to participate in a Co-op will be referred to a Financial Aid Representative to determine eligibility for federal and institutional aid. If Health Insurance is needed students should contact the Student Accounts Office.
Students who successfully participate and complete a Co-op will receive a grade of Satisfactory (S): those who fail to complete their Co-op will receive a grade of Unsatisfactory (U). These grades as well as the Co-op assignment will appear on the student’s academic transcript. However, no academic credit is awarded for the completed Co-op assignment. Upon completion of a Co-op, students are required to complete and submit an evaluation form, as well as discuss with their academic advisors and Co-op coordinator a final reflection of the experience.
For more detailed information about Co-op policies and procedures, please see the Cooperative Education Student Handbook available online at
www.oswego.edu/co-op. For information on the Mathematics Applied Statistics Cooperative, see the MATHEMATIC DEPARTMENT section of this catalog.
The Career Services Office will help students explore and refine their career goals, understand and articulate the value of their experiences and skills within the context of their chosen profession, and make available the best tools and resources to be successful as they transition to their professional career or graduate school. Regardless of major, job market, or industry – the Career Services office has the expertise, tools, resources and strategies to help you be successful. Most of our programs and services are open to alumni as well.
This is accomplished this in three distinct ways:
- Hi-Touch: Career Services will provide students the skills and strategies to professionally promote themselves and offer many forums to students to personally interact with employers or graduate school representatives. These include career fairs, etiquette dinners, conferences, networking events, on-campus interviews with employers, and more.
- Hi-Tech: Career Services has invested in the very best tools to help students understand their value, refine their goals, and find and compete for the best opportunities out there! These tools offer expert guidance in self-assessment and career planning, major exploration, resume and cover letter writing, portfolio development, mock interviews, company research, highly tailored job listings, online job search guides, reference letter management, graduate school resources, and more.
- Highly-Tailored: Career Services will spend the time to help students understand where they are, their professional goals, and how to most effectively get there. The staff will work with you to develop a solid plan of action, a realistic timeline, effective strategies to research organizations, network with professionals and alumni, and find real opportunities for which you can compete.
Mentor-Scholar Program
The Mentor-Scholar program provides at-risk middle school students in the Oswego City School District with trained and supported volunteer mentors to help students improve academically and socially. The Mentor-Scholar program strives to build mentees’ self-confidence and self-efficacy, and to give them the tools to be effective students. Another purpose is to provide an opportunity for SUNY Oswego undergraduates to help improve their community and to gain knowledge useful in their future careers and lives.
Via one-on-one relationships, mentors will provide both academic tutoring as well as the motivation necessary for each mentee to achieve their personal potential. While working on academic assignments, mentors will help mentees develop study skills and interpersonal skills necessary for later school success. Mentors will assist mentees in creating academic goals, and provide the necessary social support to see that they achieve them. Mentoring occurs from 2:30-3:30pm Monday-Thursday in the Library. In addition to bi-weekly sessions, mentors and mentees will participate in social activities to help mentees’ connect with and aspire to higher education.
Each mentor contributes over forty hours of one-on-one support to middle school students annually and are encouraged to ‘loop’ with students for up to three years to assist with academic transitions (such as middle school and high school) and to ensure long-term success. Since the program’s inception, thirty-five mentors have contributed more than 700 hours of one-on-one support to at-risk middle school students in the Oswego City School District. When asked what she likes best about the program one student commented, “I am helped individually and I feel I can tell her anything.” In addition to improving educational outcomes for OCSD students, 90% of mentors who participated in the program reported that their awareness of the Oswego community has been raised.
The Mentor-Scholar program provides SUNY Oswego students with an opportunity to work alongside OSCD teachers and community members, learning and participating with them to make Oswego a better place. Among the benefits to SUNY Oswego students, mentors report that they have developed patience, flexibility, communication skills, and a greater awareness of differences as a result of participating in the program. Ultimately, this kind of immersion of college students has the potential to build bonds with the community that can affect their choice to work and live in the area after graduation perhaps stimulating the economy in ways so as to alleviate the economic issues that are at the root of educational inequity in Oswego.
SUNY Oswego undergraduates interested in joining the Mentor-Scholar program must complete an application and interview. Mentors must also enroll in GST 302, a year-long 2-credit service-learning course. Coursework includes an on-site building orientation to help mentors understand the cultural and demographic uniqueness of the population with which they are working. Mentors will also attend three small-group discussion classes during each semester. The classes provide an opportunity for mentors to read and engage in scholarly discussion about topics pertaining to mentoring, and enable them to receive support from peers as well as the Project Coordinator.
Environmental Research Center
8 Snygg Hall
Contact: Director, Environmental Research Center, Department of Chemistry
The Environmental Research Center (ERC) is a specialized research unit of the College housed within the Department of Chemistry. The ERC provides state-of-the-art analytical services for multidisciplinary environmental, human health, and Great Lakes research projects. The ERC specializes in the analysis of congener-specific polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), organochlorine pesticides, and “emerging” chemicals in a variety of environmental matrices. The ERC has two environmental chemistry laboratories equipped with research-grade analytical instrumentation for sample preparation and the measurement of organic contaminants in the environment, including a Waters AutoSpec Premier High Resolution Mass Spectrometer (HRGC-HRMS), two Agilent 7890 GC/EDC with PTV for congener-specific PCB analyses, Agilent 7890/5975C Inert XL EI/CI MSD with PTV and MMI, Waters HPLC-GPC preparation system, and Zymark TurboVap II Workstation.
Recent studies conducted at the ERC have included: Great Lakes Fish Monitoring and Surveillance Program, Lake Ontario Air Deposition Study (LOADS), congener-specific analysis of PCBs in human placental tissues; reductive dechlorination of PCBs in an anaerobic bioreactor systems; analysis of native Alaskan foods; development of analytical methods for the determination/separation PCBs/PCTs in industrially contaminated sediments; and utilization of snapping turtles and zebra mussels as environmental biomonitors. Research funding is provided through collaborative grants from USEPA, ATSDR, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Novelis Corporation, NYS Great Lakes Protection Fund, Great Lakes Research Consortium, and World Wildlife Federation.
Opportunities exist for interested faculty and students to become involved in collaborative and multidisciplinary research projects. Highly qualified undergraduate and graduate students are supported with extramural research funding and environmental fellowships. Independent study and Capstone research experiences are also offered for qualified students through the Department of Chemistry.
Office of Business and Community Relations
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103 Rich Hall
The Office of Business and Community Relations:
- Administers the Small Business Development Center, which uses SUNY Oswego faculty, staff and students to counsel individuals who want to start or expand a small business.
- Provides classroom training and workshops to groups of individuals who want to start small businesses.
- Administers the Workforce Development Board of Oswego County, which writes and obtains training grants for the private and public sectors.
- Administers the Leadership Oswego County program, a nine-month program that teaches community trusteeship, leadership skills, current issues and networking to a diverse group of community residents.
- Provides technical assistance to and conducts workshops for not-for-profit boards that teach governance and organizational development.
- Provides technical assistance, research, impact analysis and grant writing for local government and community agencies, using SUNY Oswego faculty and professional staff.
- Serves as a conduit for research projects from the business community to various campus departments.
- Administers the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), which places people aged 55 and older in volunteer assignments they find meaningful, while at the same time satisfying community needs.
- Acts as a contact to community, business and government to engage the resources of SUNY Oswego
Office of Learning Services (OLS)
171 Campus Center
SUNY Oswego provides academic and tutoring support services to all students enrolled at the college. The Office of Learning Services (OLS) houses three particular services, the Writing Center, the Learning Center, and the Center for Mathematics and Natural Sciences which students, especially lower division students, find helpful. Students who would like to work on improving particular skills, on mastering a particular subject, or are interested in improving their ability to succeed on tests in a particular course can take advantage of these services. Supervised by full-time professional staff of the college, tutoring is typically provided by undergraduate students who have been successful in a particular course or an academic major and who have received training in how to effectively assist students in improving their basic skills, mastering their understanding of course content, or in learning how to be a better student. Tutorial support is available for all lower division courses. Students may request services by applying in person or online.
The Office of Learning Services also administers the Educational Opportunity Program and the First Year Select Program. The EOP program combines access, academic support, and supplemental financial assistance to make higher education possible for those students who have the potential to succeed. EOP admission is part of the general college admissions process and the program requires the successful completion of a mandatory summer program prior to the start of freshman year. The First Year Select program is designed for first year students who would benefit from a learning community designed to foster the development of sound study and critical thinking skills. It is a series of courses combining a composition course, a mathematics course (based on placement), a learning to learn course, and either a gateway course or a General Education course. The community provides study groups and coordinated syllabi, which enhance good study and learning techniques and ensure that the student makes progress toward meeting the college’s basic skills requirements.
Penfield Library, located in the heart of campus, is a technology rich information center providing the SUNY Oswego community with meaningful resources, user-centered services and engaging spaces. The Library houses a physical collection of over 450,000 books, as well as cd’s, videos and other resources, and provides online access to over 60,000 e-journals and 86,000 e-books. Most of the Library has wireless computing available, and laptops are available for short-term loan. At various locations in the library there are over 150 computer stations, including 22 stations in our 24-hour study room and 30 laptops that can be checked out for in-library use. Convenient printing services are available from all computers.
The Library’s Lake Effect Cafe is a popular campus eatery with a wide range of menu options and comfortable seating. The four-story, air-conditioned building has seating for over one thousand students including areas for group study and individual study carrels. To meet the varied demands for quiet and group study, the third floor is designated as a Quiet Study Area. Several of our study rooms are equipped with technology to support collaborative assignments and presentation practice.
The library’s Learning Commons brings together many services to support student learning, including the Ask A Librarian service desk, technology assistance (from Campus Technology Services) and tutoring in mathematics and writing (from the Office of Learning Services). The Ask A Librarian service provides research help during most of the library’s open hours, answering questions in person, by telephone, chat, text message and email. At all hours of the day and night, librarian help is available through our collaborative 24/7 chat service.
Many courses include an orientation to library research and information sources, taught by a librarian subject specialist in the field. Additional instruction is available through our online tutorials and personal research appointments. Penfield Library also provides access to materials in other libraries through its interlibrary loan service, featuring a special, high-speed statewide delivery system. The Library’s Special Collections houses the College archives, rare books, and local history materials, including the papers of the United States’ thirteenth president, Millard Fillmore.
Rice Creek Field Station
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The College operates a field station located one mile south of the main campus as a year-round facility to provide opportunities for field oriented biological and earth science teaching and research. Guiding this effort is the mission of the Rice Creek Station to be a living laboratory for the advancement of knowledge through ecological research, education, and stewardship of the natural world. To accomplish this mission, the station has a newly constructed central building, which contains two state-of–the-art laboratories, a lecture/seminar room and a small museum area housing collections of plants, vertebrates and invertebrates, and a small reception area for visitors. Additionally, the grounds surrounding the station include an herb garden and 300 acres of fields, forests, ponds and streams that are used for ecological research by faculty and students in formal course work and independent study projects. In addition to academic offerings, the Field Station provides public programs in nature education for groups and individuals, schoolaged to adult. Four nature trails, open to the public, provide opportunities for hiking, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. The Orange trail, about two miles in length, is also open for bicycling. The trails pass through fields and woods in several stages of succession. Trail maps are available at the field station building.
The Children’s Center
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131A Sheldon Hall
The Children’s Center provides child care and preschool programs for children ages 18 months-5 years. The curriculum areas include art, science, music, cognitive and language development, and outdoor play. Meals and snacks are provided. Tuition is based on a sliding scale according to household income and child care tuition subsidies are sometimes available for low income SUNY students. Call the center as early as possible to be put on the waiting list
Tyler Hall Box Office
tickets@oswego.edu (online sales)
Waterman Theatre is located in Tyler Hall, the Fine and Performing Arts building. This 500 seat continental style theatre includes strong support facilities. The theatre is equipped with counter weighted fly lines, electronic dimmers, stage traps, elevated orchestra pit, a complete intercommunications system and sound system. Support areas include well equipped scene and costume shops, a lighting and electronic experimentation room storage galleries, make-up and dressing rooms, quick change rooms, a green room, and a flexible black box space used for classes and production. Waterman Theatre is used by the Departments of Theatre and Music for their performances, by ARTSwego, and college clubs such as Del Sarte and Gospel Choir.
International Language and Education Center
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101 Sheldon Hall
The International Language and Education Center administers the Summer Intensive English Program and the English for Academic Purposes Program for students who are required to or interested in improving their proficiency in English. The Summer Intensive English Program offers credit courses for beginner, intermediate and advanced speakers of English as a Second Language. Students receive formal instruction daily to improve their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Additionally, instructors focus on grammar and pronunciation. Students also participate in required and optional after-class activities that include weekend trips, presentations, and tutoring sessions. The English for Academic Purposes Program offers credit courses each fall semester to exchange, undergraduate and graduate students who are required to or desirous of developing their academic proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. These courses count as Art and Science electives in most undergraduate programs.