Dr. Ritu Radhakrishnan, Interim Program Coordinator
104 Wilber Hall
Admission Information
Program Information
Curriculum and Instruction Department
Degree Candidacy
Students accepted to the MAT Art Education program must apply for Degree Candidacy after completing 12 to 18 credit hours of their program; any course work taken in excess of 18 credits is liable to forfeiture. A GPA of 3.0 or better is required to qualify for degree candidacy status. A meeting with the program advisor prior to application for candidacy is highly recommended so as to reach agreement on appropriate courses. Submit the completed candidacy application to the Graduate Office; the application and a current transcript is forwarded to the advisor. Students will then receive a letter advising them of their status.
Candidates will complete a 42 hour program which includes both elementary and secondary practicum and student teaching experience. An action research project is required in conjunction with the secondary student teaching assignment. Candidates must complete SSHS 1020–Safe Schools, Healthy Students, DASA 1020, training in Harassment, Bullying, and Discrimination Prevention and Intervention: Dignity for All Students Act,a six-hour workshop in compliance with Part 52 and Part 80 of the Commissioners Regulations, and fingerprinting (find information at www.highered.nysed.gov/tcert/teach), as prerequisites for student teaching.