Mar 13, 2025
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
School Psychology, and Certificate of Advanced Study–M.S. / C.A.S.
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The CPS Department utilizes admission review procedures that involve (1) assessment of credentials presented by the applicant and (2) interpersonal evaluation of the applicant by faculty members. Applicants must have their application file completed by February 1. It is recommended that materials be submitted well in advance of the deadline.
The student must hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university. The student’s undergraduate grade point average should be 3.0 or higher.
- Prospective students should submit to the Graduate Office:
- Evidence of scholarship and academic potential
- Undergraduate academic record and completed graduate course work. An undergraduate statistics course is required.
- GRE Aptitude Examination scores. Typically, verbal and quantitative scores are at the 50th percentile or better.
- GRE Advanced Education or Advanced Psychology Examination scores or scores on the Miller Analogies Test may be submitted with application materials if the applicant believes these scores will enhance the applicant’s candidacy. They are not required for admission.
- Evidence of professional commitment and potential for developing effective relationships with children, youth and adults
- Three letters of reference, at least one from an academic source.
- Student statement about goals, prior related experience and future plans. The statement should be typewritten on a page(s) separate from the application form itself.
- An interview with faculty members of the Counseling and Psychological Services Department staff will be arranged contingent on the submission of competitive credentials.
- All credentials must be submitted and then reviewed by the staff prior to the completion of nine hours of graduate study in the program.
- Credentials are viewed in a holistic manner such that a strength in one area might offset a weakness in another. This holistic review of each individual’s materials helps avoid the exclusion of qualified students that may serve the field well but whose particular circumstances result in submission of admission credentials that fall below those of the typical entering student.
Degree Candidacy
It is the responsibility of the student to file for degree candidacy when 12 to 30 hours of course work have been completed. Hours over 30 are subject to forfeiture. A cumulative average of 3.0 or better, successful completion of CPS 511, and evidence of appropriate professional development are required to qualify for the awarding of degree candidacy status. Degree candidacy applications can be obtained from the Graduate Office.
School Psychology, and Certificate of Advanced Study (63-69 cr)
A. Required Foundations and Professional Courses (21 cr)
B. Required Statistics and Research Methodology (6 cr)
C. Required Specialized Courses (under advisement) (24 cr)
D. Required Field Experience (12 cr)
E. Electives (0-6 cr)
- Elective course(s), under advisement.
Additional Information
The School Psychology program provides opportunity for extensive study in both theoretical and applied areas including psychological and educational foundations, systems and organizations, exceptionality, assessment and psychodiagnosis, counseling, consultation, development of interventions and closely supervised practicum and field work experience in school settings. The goal of the training sequence is to equip the student with the knowledge, competencies, and skills necessary for meaningful participation in, and contribution to, the professional practice of school psychology in multicultural contexts. Prerequisite courses, transfer credit of completed graduate courses, and specialized and individualized needs of the student will be reviewed and assessed following acceptance into the program and assignment of an academic advisor. Model Curricular Sequence
Upon successful completion of 60 graduate hours, candidacy review, the comprehensive exam and the full-year internship, the Master’s degree can be conferred. Upon successful completion of the above requirements and the Individual Project, the Certificate of Advanced Study can be conferred. The following outline represents a typical curricular sequence: |
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