Mar 13, 2025
2012-2013 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Experience-Based Education
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Dr. Paul Roodin, Director
142 Campus Center
Experience-Based Education offers students an opportunity to earn academic credit for internships in a variety of businesses, non-for-profit organizations, and community agencies. Students earn college credit, gain valuable experience outside of the classroom, and link academic content and theory to the real world. Academic internships are available throughout New York State, at selected sites throughout the U.S., and in international locations such as London. Students also have access to our Career Awareness Courses that provide students preparation for the world of work by utilizing on-campus and local placement opportunities. Students value the chance to apply classroom learning to the work setting and to document college-level learning from their experience. The course credits can be applied towards their degree at the same time that they: (1) learn about the world of work first-hand, (2) put theory into practice, (3) gain transferable skills, (4) explore various career opportunities, (5) network with experts in the field, (6) build a resume and portfolio of successful professional experience for future employment, (7) learn the knowledge, skills, and attitudes essential to be effective in the workplace, (8) grow professionally and personally. Students also value our Service-Learning Courses with an emphasis on active, community-based learning. These credit-bearing courses help students understand the value of civic engagement in our democracy at the same time that they explore the many roles they can assume while in college and later in their lives that contribute to society.
Career Awareness Program
Career Awareness courses provide undergraduates with the opportunity to study the world of work through directed experiential learning. Students will spend a limited amount of time working at selected sites on campus under the supervision of a professional. Students will learn observational skills, the interpersonal dynamics of the workplace, and the relationship of classroom learning to actual practice in a possible career choice field. Students may earn credit by demonstrating to their faculty sponsor increased knowledge of the world of work and the satisfactory completion of the learning agreement outlining duties and responsibilities.
Internship Program
The Internship Program is an academic experience designed to provide undergraduate students with a wide variety of placement options designed to assist them in clarifying career goals and/or enhancing their employment potential after graduation. The program is open to junior and senior students who meet the standards established by the College. Students may earn College credit by demonstrating that significant college-level learning has occurred through involvement in a supervised planned work experience. This is accomplished through the completion of a number of tasks detailed in a learning agreement between the student, a faculty sponsor, and a professional employer or supervisor.
Service Learning is an opportunity for students to provide direct service on a sustained basis to those in need in the community. Students engage in service through an academic course. Supervision is done jointly by college faculty and site supervisors. Course credit is available through the Experience-Based Education Program.
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