Douglas Aldrich |
Associate Professor, Swetman Center |
Inez Alfors |
Associate Professor, English |
Elizabeth Allen |
Associate Professor, Swetman Center |
Willard A. Allen |
Professor, Industrial Arts |
Vivian Anderson |
Assistant Professor, Mathematics |
Anthony Annunziata |
Professor, English |
Robert B. Armeson |
Professor, History |
Gregory Auleta |
Counselor, Office of Learning Services |
Dale Baer |
Associate Professor, Music |
Warren Baldwin |
Counselor, Counseling Services |
Fred Barber |
Associate Professor, Mathematics |
Stephen Baron |
Associate Professor, Political Science |
Betty Bartkowiak |
Associate Professor, Health & Physical Education |
Harrison Fred Bartle |
Associate Professor, Political Science |
Alexander F. Beattie |
Librarian |
Mary Beth Bell |
Director of Libraries |
Mary Bennett |
Senior Assistant Librarian |
James Bennett |
Associate Professor, Educational Administration |
Brian Betz |
Professor, Communication Studies |
Frank Bickel |
Professor, Curriculum & Instruction |
Nirmala Bidani |
Professor, Business Administration |
Kolan Bisbee |
Professor, Technology
Charles A. Bishop |
Professor, Anthropology |
Rand Bishop |
Professor, English |
Paula Bobrowski |
Professor, Marketing and Management |
Alice Boljonis |
Professor, Curriculum & Instruction |
Constance Bond |
Associate Professor, Education |
Bernard Boozer |
Associate Professor, Health Promotion and Wellness |
John R. Boronkay |
Associate Professor, Vocational-Technical |
William Bosch |
Associate Professor, Computer Science |
Wesley E. Boydston |
Associate Professor, Technology |
Ivan Brady |
Distinguished Teaching Professor, Anthropology |
Robert Braun |
Vocational Technology |
Allen Bremmer |
Professor, Art |
Thomas Brennan |
Associate Professor, Health & Physical Education |
James C. Brett |
Assistant Professor, English |
Raymond B. Bridgers |
Professor, Education |
Ronald A. Brown |
Professor, Physics |
John Brunson |
Associate Professor, Biology |
Hugh Burritt |
Professor, Music |
Jay Button |
Associate Professor, Curriculum & Instruction |
Rodney P. Byrne |
Associate Professor, Philosophy |
Robert Canfield |
Professor, Reading Education |
Leon Carapetyan |
Professor, Music |
Robert D. Carnes |
Professor, Philosophy |
Jean Casey |
Associate Professor, Counseling and Psychological Services |
Ron Chaldu |
Associate Professor, Earth Sciences |
Sherret Chase |
Professor, Biology |
Ram Das Chaudhari |
Professor, Physics |
Justice M. Cheney |
Associate Professor, Vocational-Technical |
B. Anne Commerton |
Director of Libraries |
Jerry Condra |
Associate Professor, Communication Studies |
David Conrad |
Professor, History |
John E. Cooper |
Professor, Education |
Donald Cox |
Professor, Biology |
Anthony Crain |
Professor, Music |
George Cuppernull |
Professor, Music |
Thomas Cushman |
Professor, Counseling and Psychological Services |
John T. Daly |
Professor, Mathematics |
Vincent D’Ambrosio |
Professor, Technology |
Charles C. Davis |
Professor, Health & Physical Education |
Douglas Deal |
Professor, History |
Anthony Del Prete |
Associate Professor, Earth Science |
Lawrence De Lucia |
Associate Professor, Economics |
John Demidowicz |
Professor, Spanish |
Nicholas D’Innocenzo |
Professor, Art |
Peter Diez del Rio |
Associate Professor, Spanish |
Philip Downum |
Professor, Mathematics |
Forrest Dristy |
Professor, Mathematics |
J. Sherwood Dunham |
Vice President, Academic Services & Professor, Business Administration |
Paul Dussere |
Professor, Mathematics & Coordinator, Management Services |
Thomas Eckersley |
Professor, Art |
Rochelle Ekhtiar |
Associate Professor, English |
Ronald Engel |
Associate Professor, Biology |
Jerry Exline |
Professor, Music |
Josephine Farrell |
Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction |
David Faux |
Professor, Art |
Donald Feck |
Associate Professor, Technology |
Virginia Fichera |
Professor, Modern Languages & Literatures |
Eleanor Filburn |
Associate Professor, Curriculum & Instruction |
John Fisher |
Professor, English |
Irwin Flack |
Associate Professor, History |
Harold Folls |
Assistant Professor, Technology |
William Forrester |
Professor, Psychology |
Michael Fox |
Professor, Art |
Walter Freimanis |
Professor, Music |
John Fuller |
Professor, Art |
Richard Funk |
Associate Professor, Political Science |
Philip Gaines |
Associate Professor and Chair, Technology Department |
Paul Garland |
Professor, Art |
Tullio Garzone |
Associate Professor, Curriculum & Instruction |
Barbara Gerber |
Distinguished Service Professor |
Geno Germano |
Associate Professor, Biology |
Suzanne Gilmour |
Professor and Chair, Educational Administration |
John Glenn |
Associate Professor, Vocational Technology |
John Glinski |
Professor, Health & Physical Education |
C. Thomas Gooding |
Dean, Graduate Studies & Professor, Psychology |
Stanley Gosek |
Professor, Music |
Ronald Graeff |
Visiting Assistant Professor, Communication Studies |
Margaret Groman |
Associate Professor, Mathematics |
Terrence Hammill |
Distinguished Teaching Professor |
Mary Harrell |
Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction |
Nola Heidlebaugh |
Professor, Communication Studies |
David Hertzler |
Professor, Psychology |
Peter D. Hertz-Ohmes |
Professor, German |
Thomas Hickey |
Associate Professor, Business Administration |
David Hill |
Professor, English and Creative Writing |
Roger A. Hinrichs |
Professor, Physics |
Shirley Hodge |
Assistant Professor, Health & Physical Education |
Ellen Hornig |
Associate Professor, Economics |
James Howard |
Associate Professor, Health & Physical Education |
Mab Huang |
Professional, Political Science |
JoAn Huff |
Professor, Health & Physical Education |
Claire B. Humphreys |
Professor, Sociology |
John Hurlbutt |
Associate, Instructional Resources |
Audrey Hurley |
Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction |
Paul Hutko |
Associate Professor, Psychology |
Deale Hutton |
Art Librarian |
Kenneth Hyde |
Distinguished Teaching Professor, Chemistry |
Saisuke Ieno |
Associate Professor, Education |
Rosemarie M. Imhoff |
Professor, Art |
Luciano J. Iorizzo |
Professor, History |
Richard Izzett |
Professor, Psychology |
Shirley Jackson |
Associate Professor, History |
Palmo Jalife |
Assistant Dean, School of Business |
Linda Johnson |
Visiting Assistant Professor, Mathematics |
U Jin Jhun |
Professor, Economics |
Blanche Judd |
Librarian |
Thomas Judd |
Professor, History |
Lanny Karns |
Professor, Marketing and Management |
Edward G. Keen |
Associate Professor, English |
David Kelsey |
Associate Professor, Technology |
Anthony Kettle |
Research Associate Professor, Earth Sciences |
Rosalind Kimmich |
Associate Librarian |
Florence Kirk |
Professor, Accounting, Finance and Law |
Merlin Kleinbach |
Professor, Technology |
John Knapp |
Professor, English |
George Koenig |
Professor, German |
William Kopp |
Professor, Vocational Education |
Joanne Kossegi |
Lecturer, Mathematics |
J. Alden Lackey |
Professor, Biology |
Albert C. Leighton |
Professor, History |
Bruce Lester |
Professor, Counseling & Psychological Services |
Kathleen Lewis |
Assistant Professor, Mathematics |
Paul Liebenauer |
Professor, Physics |
Terrance W. Lindenberg |
Professor, Curriculum & Instruction |
Joseph Lipsig |
Associate Professor, Chemistry |
Roberta Lipsig |
Associate Professor, Accounting, Finance, & Law |
Kuang-Chi Liu |
Associate Professor, Mathematics |
Richard Loder |
Professor, Sociology |
Mary Loe |
Librarian |
Thomas Loe |
Professor, English and Creative Writing |
Linda Loomis
Assistant Professor, English and Creative Writing |
Alison Lovallo |
Associate Director, Extended Learning |
Joan Loveridge-Sanbonmatsu |
Professor, Communication Studies |
Coy L. Ludwig |
Professor, Art |
William Lundy |
Associate Professor, Accounting Finance and Law |
Kishan P. Mahajan |
Associate Professor, Chemistry |
Georges Markow-Totevy |
Professor, French |
Leland Marsh |
Professor, Biology |
Thomas E. Marshall |
Professor, French |
Kathryn Martin |
Professor, Biology |
Donald Masterson |
Associate Professor, English and Creative Writing |
Donald R. Mathieu |
Professor, History |
Robert E. Maurer |
Associate Professor, Earth Sciences |
George Maxwell |
Professor, Biology |
Richard D. Mayer |
Professor, Mathematics |
Michael McLane |
Librarian |
Elizabeth McTiernan |
Office of Special Programs |
JoAnn Meadows |
Associate Professor, Health & Physical Education |
Ronald Medici |
Assistant Professor, Theatre |
Ceslovas Melsbakas |
Assistant Professor, English |
Manuel Mena |
Professor, Marketing & Management |
Bruce Meyer |
Director, Counseling Services Center |
Daniel Michalak |
Associate Professor, Education |
DeWight Middleton |
Professor, Anthropology |
Jack Miller |
Associate Professor, Economics |
John W. Mincher, Jr |
Professor, Theatre |
F. Elizabeth Moody |
Dean, Professional Studies & Professor, Education |
Marcia C. Moore |
Associate Professor, Communication Studies |
Theodore M. Morey |
Professor, Psychology |
Grace Mowatt Burritt |
Associate Professor, Health & Physical Education |
Harold W. Nash |
Professor, Education |
Bert Needelman |
Associate Professor, Sociology |
Andrew Nelson |
Director, Rice Creek Field Station |
Sigurd O. Nelson, Jr |
Professor, Biology |
Melsome Nelson-Richards |
Associate Professor, Sociology |
Karen S. Nicholas |
Associate Professor, History |
Walter J. Nitardy |
Professor, Men’s Health & Physical Education |
Gisela Nordby |
English |
George O’Connell |
Professor, Art |
Raymond O’Donnell |
Associate Professor, Chemistry |
John J. O’Dwyer |
Professor, Physics |
Emily Oaks |
Associate Professor, Biology |
Sewall Oertling |
Professor & Chair, Art |
Eugene Perticone |
Professor, Counseling & Psychological Services |
John Peterson |
Associate Professor, Communication Studies |
Kenneth Peterson |
Associate Professor, Health Promotion and Wellness |
Luther Peterson |
Professor, History |
Patricia Peterson |
Professor, Health & Physical Education |
Charles W. Phallen |
Professor, Industrial Arts |
Cristina Pieraccini |
Professor, Communication Studies |
Thomas F. Powell |
Professor, History |
Peter P. Pratt |
Professor, Anthropology |
Virginia Pratt |
Associate Professor, History |
Claire Putala |
Associate Professor, Curriculum and Instruction |
Thomas E. Putnam |
Associate Professor, Technology |
Mario Rabozzi |
Professor, Education |
Evalyn B. Rapparlie |
Professor, Education |
Frederick Ratzeburg |
Professor, Psychology |
Kenvyn B. Richards |
Professor, Industrial Arts |
Olla G. Rickett |
Professor, Theatre |
John Ritson |
Associate Professor, Education |
Robert Rock |
Professor, Health & Physical Education |
Kenneth Rosenberg |
Professor, Psychology |
Olive Rudd |
Assistant Professor, Education |
Constance Ryan |
Librarian |
Arthur Sabitini |
Associate Professor, French |
Gubbi Sachidanandan |
Associate Professor, Psychology |
Carlton E. Salvagin |
Professor, Technology |
Leroy Sanders |
Associate Professor, Technology |
Zabel Sarian |
Associate Professor, Art |
John Schluep |
Professor, Mathematics |
Raymond Schneider |
Associate Professor, Earth Sciences |
Marian Schoenheit |
Associate Professor, Educational Administration |
Willard Schum |
Associate Dean, Professional Studies |
Thomas Seawell |
Professor, Art |
Linda Sheive |
Professor, Educational Administration |
Barbara Shineman |
Professor, Education |
Harry Shock |
Assistant Dean of Students |
Robert T. Sidwell |
Associate Professor, Education |
Augustine Silveira, Jr |
Distinguished Teaching Professor |
Kenneth Sipser |
Professor, Education |
Richard A. Smernoff |
Professor, French |
Joyce Smith |
Professor, Curriculum and Instruction |
Mary M. Smith |
Associate Professor, Education |
Warren Solomon |
Associate Professor, Sociology |
Hilda Sorensen |
Associate Professor, Health & Physical Education |
Ronald Sorensen |
Professor, Technology |
Ralph Spencer |
Provost and Professor, Business Administration |
John Spring |
Associate Professor, Health & Physical Education |
William Stark |
Professor and Chair, Theatre |
Andrew Steinbrecher |
Associate Professor, Counseling and Psychological Services |
Sanford Sternlicht |
Professor, Theatre |
Mary Ann Stirling |
Associate Professor, Campus School |
Lois Stolp |
Associate Librarian |
Alice M. Struzinsky |
Associate Professor, Health & Physical Education, Athletics |
Mary Frances Stuck |
Professor, Sociology and Assistant Dean, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences |
Ira Sukrungruang |
Assistant Professor, English and Creative Writing |
Linda A. Syrell |
Dean of Continuing Education, Public Service, & Summer Sessions |
Edward Thibault |
Professor and Chair, Sociology |
David Thomas |
Professor, Earth Sciences |
Clarence Trexler |
Professor, Education |
Vernon Tryon |
Professor, Technology |
Juanita Tschudy |
Associate Registrar |
Lewis Turco |
Professor, English |
Oebele Van Dyk |
Professor, Computer Science |
Herbert Van Schaack |
Distinguished Service Professor |
Donald Vanouse |
Professor, English and Creative Writing |
Sara Varhus |
Dean, Arts and Sciences and Professor, English |
Glen Vaught |
Professor, Psychology |
Mahlon W. Wagner |
Professor, Psychology |
William Waite |
Professor, Technology |
Betsy Waterman |
Professor, Counseling and Psychological Services |
Peter Weber |
Professor, Biology |
Suzanne Weber |
Associate Dean of School of Education and Professor, Curriculum and Instruction |
Judith Wellman |
Professor, History |
Robert J. Wernick |
Associate Professor, Mathematics |
Joseph A. Wiecha |
Distinguished Teaching Professor |
Paul J. Will |
Assistant Professor, Computer Science |
Gay Williams |
Assistant Professor, Accounting, Finance and Law |
Frederick Winn |
Professor, History |
Jane Wright |
Rosalie Young |
Associate Professor, Public Justice |
Helen Zakin |
Professor, Art |
Richard Zakin |
Professor, Art |