Mar 13, 2025
2023-2024 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
GST 598C - Cooperative Education
This course provides work experience with a college approved employer in an area related to the student’s program of study. Emphasis is on integrating classroom learning with related work experience. Upon completion, students should be able to evaluate career selection, demonstrate employability skills and satisfactorily perform work-related competencies. This course represents the actual Co-op placement. It is not a classroom or online based course.
Prerequisite: Meet any college or major specific requirements as determined by the academic advisor prior to Co-op. Under the advisement of the academic advisor, determine if a Cooperative Education preparatory class is required based on individual student circumstance. If the course is required, the student must complete and pass the course with a Satisfactory (S) grade, maintain good academic standing as defined by SUNY Oswego’s policies, obtain approval of the Co-op placement by the Cooperative Education coordinator and comply with any pre-employment expectations required by the employer.
Advisor Note: a Co-op placement is not guaranteed. When Offered: Not on a regular basis.