Oct 04, 2024  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


SUNY Oswego Advanced Placement (AP) Course Equivalencies
AP Subject
 AP Exam Title
Exam Score Credit Hours Course Exempted SUNY Oswego Course Title Area Fulfilled for Degree Audit
 Art History  3  3  ART 100  Introduction to Arts  Fine/Performing Arts
 Studio General  3  3  ART 100  Introduction to Arts  Fine/Performing Arts

 Studio Drawing

 3  3  ART 102  Topics in Traditional Media and Methods - Drawing  Fine/Performing Arts
 2-D Design  3  3  ART 102  Topics in Traditional Media and Methods - 2-D Design  Fine/Performing Arts
 3-D Design  3  3  ART 102  Topics in Traditional Media and Methods - 3-D Design  Fine/Performing Arts
 Biology  3  4  BIO 101  General Biology  Natural Sciences
 Biology  4-5  4  BIO 120  Molecular and Cellular Foundations  Natural Sciences (Note 1)
 Chemistry  3  4  CHE 101  Survey of Chemistry  Natural Sciences
 Chemistry  4  4  CHE 111  General Chemistry  Natural Sciences
 Chemistry  5  8  CHE 111 and CHE 212  General Chemistry  Natural Sciences
 Computer Sci A  3  3  CSC 212  Principles of Programming Art /Sci Elective Credit
 Microeconomics  3  3  ECO 101  Principles of Microeconomics Social/Behavioral Sciences
 Macroeconomics  3  3  ECO 200  Principles of Macroeconomics Social/Behavioral Sciences
 Language/Comp  3  3  ENG 101  Composition I Art /Sci Elective Credit
 4-5  6

 ENG 101
 and ENG 102

 Composition I
 Composition II

Art /Sci Elective Credit
Writing (Note 2)

 Comp/Lit  3  3  ENG 101  Composition I  Art /Sci Elective Credit
 4-5  6  ENG 101
 and ENG 102
 Composition I
 Composition II
 Art /Sci Elective Credit
 Writing (Note 2)
   3  3  —-  ——  Natural Sciences
   4-5  3  GEO 115  Environmental Sustainability  Natural Sciences
 American  3-4  3  —-  —–  Social/Behavioral Sci
 American  5  3  POL 205  American Government and Politics  Social/Behavioral Sci
 Comparative  3  3  —-  —–  Art /Sci Elective Credit
 U.S. History
 3  HIS 202
 or HIS 203
 History of the United States to 1865
 History of the United States since 1865
 American History (Note 3)
U.S. History  5  6  HIS 202
 and HIS 203
 History of the United States to 1865
 History of the United States since 1865
 American History (Note 3)
 European History  3-4  3  HIS 100  The West and the World to 1500  Western Civilization
 European History
 5  6  HIS 100
 and HIS 101
 The West and the World to 1500
 The West and the World, 1500-1900
 Western Civilization
 Elective Credit
 World History  3  3  —–  ——– World Awareness: Humanities
 Chinese Language/Culture
 3  6  CHI 101
 and CHI 102
 Elementary Chinese
 Continuing Elementary Chinese
Art /Sci Elective Credit
Foreign Language
 French Language and Culture
 3  6  FRE 101
 and FRE 102
 Elementary French
 Continuing Elementary French
Art /Sci Elective Credit
Foreign Language
 French Literature
 3  6  FRE 101
 and FRE 102
 Elementary French
 Continuing Elementary French
Art /Sci Elective Credit
Foreign Language
 German Language /Culture
 3  6  GER 101
 and GER 102
 Elementary German
 Continuing Elementary German
Art /Sci Elective Credit
Foreign Language
 German Literature
 3  6  GER 101
 and GER 102
 Elementary German
 Continuing Elementary German
Art /Sci Elective Credit
Foreign Language
 Italian Language /Culture
 3  6  ITA 101
 and ITA 102
 Elementary Italian
 Continuing Elementary Italian
Art /Sci Elective Credit
Foreign Language
 Japanese Language /Culture  3  6  JPN 101
 and JPN 102
 Elementary Japanese
 Continuing Elementary Japanese
Art /Sci Elective Credit
Foreign Language
 Latin: Vergil  3  3  —–  —— Art /Sci Elective Credit
 Spanish Language and Culture  3  6  SPA 101
 and SPA 102
 Elementary Spanish
 Continuing Elementary Spanish
Art /Sci Elective Credit
Foreign Language
 Spanish Literature  3  6  SPA 101
 and SPA 102
 Elementary Spanish
 Continuing Elementary Spanish
Art /Sci Elective Credit
Foreign Language
 Geography  3  3  GEG 100  Introduction to Geography Art /Sci Elective Credit (Note 4)
 Calculus AB  3  4  MAT 210 Calculus I Mathematics
 Calculus BC  3  8  MAT 210
  and MAT 220
Calculus I
Calculus II
Art /Sci Elective Credit
 Statistics  3  3  MAT 158 Introduction to Statistics A Mathematics
 Listening  3  3  MUS 113 Intro to Music Literature and History Humanities
 Theory  3  3  MUS 100 Fundamentals of Music Theory Fine and Performing Arts
 Theory  4-5  3  MUS 200 Intermediate Music Theory I Art /Sci Elective Credit OR
MUS 200 in Music major
 Physics B5  3  4  PHY 111 College Physics I Natural Sciences (Note 6)
 Physics B5  4-5  8  PHY 111
  and PHY 212
 College Physics I
 College Physics II
Natural Sciences (Note 7)
Art /Sci Elective Credit OR
 (Science requirement for science majors)
 Physics C Mech5  3  4 —– —– Art /Sci Elective Credit
 Physics C Mech5  4-5  8  PHY 111
  and PHY 212
 College Physics I
College Physics II

Natural Sciences
Art /Sci Elective Credit OR
  (Science requirement for science majors)

 Physics CE-M5  3  4 —– —– Art /Sci Elective Credit (Note 6)
 Physics CE-M5  4-5  8  PHY 111
  and PHY 212
College Physics I
College Physics II
Natural Sciences (Note 7)
Art /Sci Elective Credit OR
  (Science requirement for science majors)
 Psychology  3  3  Art /Sci Elective —– Social/Behavioral Sci
 Psychology  4-5  3  PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology Social/Behavioral Sci

NOTE 1: May be used as either BIO 120 or 4 hours free elective in the major (depending on focus of AP course). BIO 120 as an option is recommended.

NOTE 2: If student has taken both Lang/Comp and comp/Lit they can only receive a maximum of 6 credits since both exams award credit for the same courses.

NOTE 3: HIS 202 will appear as default on Degree Works but may be changed to HIS 203 by advisor or Registrar should student desire to take HIS 202 at Oswego.

NOTE 4: May be used to satisfy Curriculum and Instruction Social Studies Cognate Requirement.

NOTE 5: Total credits that can be earned in Physics is 11 credits.

NOTE 6: Score of 4 or 5 is required for credits to count toward science major’s (core/cognates).

NOTE 7: Consult department of possible waiver of full year of physics.