145 Marano Campus Center • (315)312-2151
EXCEL: Experiential Courses and Engaged Learning offers resources and support along with a variety of opportunities and General Studies (GST) Courses for students to earn academic credit through hands-on experiences. Internships, co-ops, service learning, and experiential courses provide students the ability to apply knowledge and theories learned in the classroom to “real world” businesses, non-profit organizations, and community agencies. Students are able to develop key competencies, explore career goals, and gain valuable professional connections through local, national, or international positions
Our programs include:
- Academic Success and Transition
- Career Exploration and Preparation
- Service Learning
- Peer Education and College Mentoring
- Internships, Co-ops and Practicum
- RISE: Research and Individualized Student Experiences
Academic Success and Transition
These courses can help students be successful during their first year at Oswego by providing resources and transitional support.
Career Exploration and Preparation
Students who need guidance to explore their major and career options have the opportunity to take courses that will help with career development and preparation. These courses can help develop and discover important strengths and values so students can make an informed decision about their career path.
Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that engages students in service through mutually beneficial and reciprocal relationships with approved community partners. These credit bearing courses enrich the learning experience, integrate reflection, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.
Peer Education and College Mentoring
Learning from your peers is an important part of college. These programs offer students the opportunity to take on a leadership role on campus as tutors, mentors, peer advisors or peer educators.
Internships, Co-ops and Practicum
Internships and co-ops are planned hands on experiences that allow students to explore and confirm their career options, boost their resume, and apply the skills and theories learned in the classroom. Students can find internships and co-ops that match their academic and career fields in a variety of local, national and international sites. Through practicum, students observe, explore and connect practical experience with formal classroom instruction.
The office of Research and Individualized Student Experiences (RISE) at SUNY Oswego serves to encourage and facilitate scholarly and creative activities that enhance your educational experience and prepare you for your career path. We support a wide range of mentored, self-directed work designed to empower you to apply the knowledge that you have learned in classes. Undergraduate research and creative activities give you, the student, the opportunity to do something that no one has ever done before.