B. Graduate Requirements (33 cr)
HCI 500 • Introduction to Human Compter Interaction credit: 3
HCI 510 • HCI Methods I: Design and Evaluation credit: 3
HCI 520 • Graphical User Interfaces credit: 3
HCI 521 • Software Design credit: 3
HCI 530 • Seminar in Contemporary Topics in HCI credit: 3
HCI 550 • HCI Project I credit: 3
HCI 551 • HCI Project II credit: 3
Select 12 credits of HCI 500-level electives, under advisement credit: 12
Note: The psychology courses, PSY 100, 111, 280 and 290 must be taken sequentially and a grade of C- or better must be earned in each course before taking the next course. A grade of C- or better must be earned in all courses credited to the major.