Major Information
The Master of Science in Education, Curriculum and Instruction program meets academic requirements for Professional Certification for candidates entering with any of the following initial teacher certifications:
- Early Childhood B-2
- Childhood 1-6
- Special Education Early Childhood B-2
- Special Education 1-6
- Middle Childhood 5-9 Generalist
- Special Education Middle Childhood 5-9 Generalist
- Middle Childhood 5-9 Specialist in the content areas of Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, French, Spanish, German
- Adolescence 7-12 in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, French, Spanish or German
- Special Education 7-12 in the areas of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English, Earth Science, Mathematics, Social Studies; French, Spanish or German
- Art K-12
- Music K-12.
The purpose of the MSED Curriculum and Instruction Program at Oswego is to prepare teachers to the level of excellence specified in the SUNY Oswego School of Education Conceptual Framework and in the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. The program expects teachers to value authentic learning and social justice in order to transform the school fabric through their content expertise, effective practice, reflection, collaboration, and educational leadership. To achieve these goals, the program is divided into three related areas of the curriculum: pedagogy, content related courses, and elective courses. The program builds to the completion of a graduate thesis or project, as well as a professional portfolio, in the final course.
Applicants must have a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution and be eligible for a NYS Initial Certificate in one of the following areas: Early Childhood B-2; Childhood 1-6; Middle Childhood 5-9, Generalist; Middle Childhood, Specialist in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, French, German, Spanish; Adolescence 7-12 in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, German, French, Spanish; Special Education, Early Childhood B-2; Special Education, Childhood 1-6; Special Education Middle Childhood, Generalist; Special Education, Middle Childhood, Specialist in Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, French, German, Spanish; Special Education, Adolescence in Biology, Chemistry, Physics, English, Mathematics, Social Studies, German, French, Spanish; Music K-12 or Art K-12.
The following materials must be submitted by March 1 for summer and fall admission and October 1 for spring admission, to the Graduate Studies Office, 606 Culkin Hall. All applicants will be considered at one time following each closing date. Completed applications received after the deadline date will be reviewed in the next application period.
- Completed application form, Parts I and II.
- Official transcripts from all previous undergraduate and graduate work.
- Minimum overall grade index of 2.70. If index is 2.69 or below, score from the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) – General Aptitude Score or the Miller Analogy Test (MAT) must be submitted with the application materials. To be considered, an applicant must score at the fiftieth percentile or better.
- Evidence of meeting requirements for NYS Provisional or Initial Teacher Certification in one of the areas mentioned above.
- Two letters of recommendation. One from a college professor, one from the student teaching experience.
- Professional Resume.
- Completion of Program Planning Meeting. These meetings are scheduled prior to the deadline to complete the program planning. To schedule a meeting call the Curriculum and Instruction Graduate Office at 315-312-4052 or email
Degree Candidacy
Candidates accepted into the MSED Curriculum and Instruction program must apply for Degree Candidacy after completing 12-18 cr of the program. Any coursework taken in excess of 18 cr without candidacy is liable to forfeiture. A grade index of 3.00 or better is required to qualify for degree candidacy status. Submit the candidacy application to the Graduate Studies Office, 606 Culkin Hall; the application and a current transcript will be forwarded to the Curriculum and Instruction Department for review. Candidates will receive a follow-up letter advising them of their status and remaining requirements to be met.
The Program
The Curriculum and Instruction Program meets the most current NYS professional certification requirements. These requirements include the completion of 12 cr of graduate content related coursework linking pedagogy to content. Candidates with initial certificates in Early Childhood B-2; Childhood 1-6; Middle Childhood, Generalist; Special Education, Early Childhood B-2; Special Education, Childhood 1-6; Special Education, Middle Childhood, Generalist must complete the Generalist Track of the program. Candidates with Secondary 7-12 provisional; or initial certificates in Middle Childhood Specialist 5-9; Adolescence 7-12; Special Education, Middle Childhood Specialist 5-9; Special Education, Adolescence 7-12; Music K-12 or Art K-12 must complete the Specialist Track.