2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
COM 380 - Communication Ethics 2019-2020 Catalog Year:
This course investigates the principles of ethical communication applied to a variety of personal and public communication contexts. For example, how do media persons reconcile freedom and accountability, manage individual autonomy and ethical decision making, communicate with truth, fairness and objectivity, deal with the personal right to privacy and the public’s need to know? What is truth and lying in the interpersonal context? What are the ethical dimensions of whistle blowing? What are the ethical demands placed on the advertising industry? The ultimate goals of the course are that the students gain greater ethical insights, and from these insights, develop the appropriate critical decision making in their interpersonal and public lives.
Prerequisite: COM 100 OR JLM 101 and upper division standing, or instructor permission. Offered: Spring, Summer Credit: 3