Mar 13, 2025
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
ADO 310 - Discipline Specific Methods: English Language Arts Grades 7-12 2017-2018 Catalog Year:
This course is designed to help prospective middle and adolescent English teachers better understand curricular issues; local, state, and national standards and reform efforts; and specific methods for developing the English and language arts knowledge and skills of all learners. Study of curriculum and methods of instruction in the English language arts in grades 7-12; focus on state and national learning standards; instructional decision-making; learning theories; curricular content; environments conducive to fostering growth of diverse students; using technology to support learning; collaboration with other professionals to help students with special educational needs; investigations arising from field-based practicum.
Prerequisite: EDU 301. Co-requisite: ADO 313. Offered: Fall Credit: 4