Jan 30, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]


SUNY Oswego Advanced Placement (AP)
Course Equivalencies

(Subject to change)

AP Subject
 AP Exam Title

Exam Score

Credit Hours

Course Exempted

SUNY Oswego Course Title

General Education Area for Degree Audit/Notes

AP CAPSTONE          
 Research 3, 4, 5 3 LAS XXXX LAS Elective Liberal Arts Elective Credit
 Seminar 3, 4, 5 3 LAS XXXX LAS Elective Liberal Arts Elective Credit
 Art History 3, 4, 5 3 ART 100 Introduction to the Visual Arts Fine/Performing Arts
 Studio Art: General 3, 4, 5 3 ART 100 Introduction to the Visual Arts Fine/Performing Arts
 Studio Art: Drawing 3, 4, 5 3 ART 102 Topics in Traditional Media and Methods - Drawing Fine/Performing Arts
 Studio Art: 2-D Design 3, 4, 5 3 ART 102 Topics in Traditional Media and Methods - 2-D Design Fine/Performing Arts
 Studio Art: 3-D Design 3, 4, 5 3 ART 102 Topics in Traditional Media and Methods - 3-D Design Fine/Performing Arts
 Biology 3 4 BIO 101 General Biology Natural Sciences
 Biology 4, 5 4 BIO 120 Molecular and Cellular Foundations Liberal Arts Elective Credit (Note 1)
 Chemistry 3 4 CHE 101 Survey of Chemistry Natural Sciences
 Chemistry 4 4 CHE 111 General Chemistry Natural Sciences
 Chemistry 5 8 CHE 111 and

CHE 212
General Chemistry

General Chemistry II
Natural Sciences

Liberal Arts Elective Credit (or science requirement for science majors)
 Computer Science A 3 3 ISC 150  Introduction to Scripting and Markup Languages Liberal Arts Elective Credit
 Computer Science A 4, 5 3 CSC 212 Principles of Programming Liberal Arts Elective Credit
 Computer Science Principles 3, 4, 5 3 ISC 150 Introduction to Scripting and Markup Languages Liberal Arts Elective Credit
 Microeconomics 3, 4, 5 3 ECO 101 Principles of Microeconomics Social/Behavioral Sciences
 Macroeconomics 3, 4, 5 3 ECO 200 Principles of Macroeconomics Social/Behavioral Sciences
 Language/Comp 3 3 ENG 101 Composition I Liberal Arts Elective Credit
 Language/Comp 4, 5 6 ENG 101 and

ENG 102
Composition I

Composition II
Liberal Arts Elective Credit

Writing (Note 2)
 Comp/Lit 3 3 ENG 101 Composition I Liberal Arts Elective Credit
4, 5 6 ENG 101 and

ENG 102
Composition I

Composition II
Liberal Arts Elective Credit

Writing (Note 2)
 Environmental Science 3 3 LAS XXXX LAS Elective Credit Liberal Arts Elective Credit
 Environmental Science 4, 5 3 GEO 115 Environmental Sustainability Natural Sciences
 European History 3, 4 3 HIS 100 The West and the World to 1500 Western Civilization  
 European History 5 6 HIS 100 and

HIS 101
The West and the World to 1500

The West and the World 1500 - 1900

Western Civilization and 

Liberal Arts Elective Credit

 American 3, 4, 5 3 LAS XXXX LAS Elective Credit Social/Behavioral Sciences
 Comparative 3, 4, 5 3 LAS XXXX LAS Elective Credit Social/Behavioral Sciences
HISTORY (U.S.)          
 U.S. History
3, 4
3 HIS 202 or

HIS 203
History of the United States to 1865

History of the United States since 1865
American History (Note 3)
 U.S. History 5 6 HIS 202  and

HIS 203
History of the United States to 1865

History of the United States since 1865
 Geography 3, 4, 5 3 GEG 100 Introduction to Geography Liberal Arts Elective Credit (Note 4)
 Chinese: Language/Culture
3, 4, 5 6 CHI 101 and

CHI 102
Elementary Chinese

Continuing Elementary Chinese
Liberal Arts Elective Credit

Foreign Language
 French: Language and Culture
3, 4, 5 6 FRE 101 and

FRE 102

Elementary French
Continuing Elementary French

Liberal Arts Elective Credit

Foreign Language
 French: Literature
3, 4, 5 6 FRE 101 and

FRE 102
Elementary French

Continuing Elementary French
Liberal Arts Elective Credit

Foreign Language
 German: Language /Culture
3, 4, 5 6 GER 101 and

GER 102
Elementary German

Continuing Elementary German
Liberal Arts Elective Credit

Foreign Language
 German: Literature
3, 4, 5 6 GER 101 and

GER 102
Elementary German

Continuing Elementary German
Liberal Arts Elective Credit

Foreign Language
 Italian: Language /Culture
3, 4, 5 6 ITA 101 and

ITA 102
Elementary Italian

Continuing Elementary Italian
Liberal Arts Elective Credit

Foreign Language
 Japanese: Language /Culture 3, 4, 5 6

JPN 101 and

JPN 102

Elementary Japanese

Continuing Elementary Japanese
Liberal Arts Elective Credit

Foreign Language
 Latin: Vergil 3, 4, 5 3 LAS XXXX LAS Elective Credit Liberal Arts Elective Credit
 Russian: Language and Culture 3, 4, 5 3 LAS XXXX LAS Elective Credit Liberal Arts Elective Credit
 Spanish: Language and Culture 3, 4, 5 6 SPA 101 and

SPA 102
Elementary Spanish

Continuing Elementary Spanish
Liberal Arts Elective Credit

Foreign Language
 Spanish: Literature 3, 4, 5 6 SPA 101 and

SPA 102
Elementary Spanish

Continuing Elementary Spanish
Liberal Arts Elective Credit

Foreign Language
 Calculus AB 3, 4, 5 4 MAT 210 Calculus I Mathematics
 Calculus BC 3, 4, 5 8 MAT 210 and

MAT 220
Calculus I

Calculus II

Liberal Arts Elective Credit
 Statistics 3, 4, 5 3 MAT 158 Introduction to Statistics A Mathematics
Listening 3, 4, 5 3 MUS 112 or

MUS 113
Intro to Music Literature

Intro to Music Literature and History
 Theory 3 3 MUS 100 Fundamentals of Music Theory Liberal Arts Elective Credit
 Theory 4, 5 6

MUS 100 and


MUS 200 and LAS XXXX

Fundamentals of Music Theory &
LAS Elective Credit


Intermediate Music Theory I & LAS Elective Credit

Liberal Arts Elective Credit

Liberal Arts Elective Credit in Music majors
PHYSICS (Note 5)          
 Physics I
 (Algebra Based)
3 3 PHY XXXX PHY Elective Credit Natural Sciences
 Physics I
 (Algebra Based)
4, 5 4 PHY 101 Introductory Physics Natural Sciences
 Physics II
 (Algebra Based)
3 3 PHY 101 or

Introductory Physics or

PHY Elective Credit
Natural Sciences
Physics II
(Algebra Based)
4,5 4 PHY 111 College Physics I Natural Sciences

 Physics B
 (Calculus Based)

3 4 PHY 111 College Physics I Natural Sciences

 Physics B
 (Calculus Based)

4, 5 8 PHY 111 and

PHY 112
College Physics I

College Physics II
Natural Sciences

Liberal Arts Elective Credit (or science requirement for science majors) (Note 6)

 Physics C Mech
 (Calculus Based)

3 4 PHY XXXX PHY Elective Credit Liberal Arts Elective Credit

 Physics C Mech
 (Calculus Based)

4, 5 8 PHY 111 and

PHY 212
College Physics I

College Physics II
Natural Sciences

Liberal Arts Elective (or science requirement for science majors) (Note 6)

 Physics C: E&M
 (Calculus Based)

3 4 PHY XXXX PHY Elective Liberal Arts Elective Credit

 Physics C: E&M
 (Calculus Based)

4, 5 8 PHY 111 and

PHY 212
College Physics I

College Physics II
Natural Sciences

Liberal Arts Elective Credit (or science requirement for science majors) (Note 6)
 Psychology 3 3 PSY XXXX PSY Elective Credit Social/Behavioral Sciences
 Psychology 4, 5 3 PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology Social/Behavioral Sciences
 World History 3 3

HIS 102 or


World History in the 20th Century or

HIS Elective Credit

World Awareness: Humanities (Note 7)

NOTE 1: May be used as either BIO 120 or 4 hours free elective in the major (depending on focus of AP course). BIO 120 as an option is recommended.

NOTE 2: If student has taken both Lang/Comp and Comp/Lit they can only receive a maximum of 6 credits since both exams award credit for the same courses.

NOTE 3: HIS 202 will appear as default on Degree Works but may be changed to HIS 203 by advisor or Registrar should student desire to take HIS 202 at Oswego.

NOTE 4: May be used to satisfy Curriculum and Instruction Social Studies Cognate Requirement.

NOTE 5: Total credits that can be earned in Physics is 11 credits.

NOTE 6: Score of 4 or 5 is required for credits to count toward science major’s (core/cognates).

NOTE 7: A) Credit can be used to meet History major “World/Transitional/Comparative” area requirement.  B) Credit can be used to meet Curriculum and Instruction non-western core requirement for social studies concentration certification areas.