Christopher Baltus, BA, Fordham Univ.; MA, Univ. of Chicago; MS, PhD, Univ. of Colorado.
Appointed 1986
Patrick Halpin, PhD, Penn State Univ. Appointed 1981
Ampalavanar Nanthakumar, MA, Bowling Green State Univ.; PhD, Univ. of Kentucky. Appointed 2001
Preety Tripathi, BS, MS, MPhil, Univ. of Delhi; PhD, Syracuse Univ. Appointed 2006
Susan Fettes, BA, Millersville State C.; MA, PhD, Univ. of Massachusetts. Appointed 1985
Magdalena Mosbo, BS, Charles Univ.; MS, PhD, Kansas State Univ. Appointed 2002
Scott Preston, BA, Univ. Wisconsin; PhD, Penn State Univ. Appointed 1993
Mark Baker, MA, PhD, Univ. at Buffalo, Appointed 2015
Rasika Churchill, MA, PhD, Univ. of South Florida. Apointed 2018
Jessalyn Bolkema, MS, PhD, Univ. Nebraska-Lincoln. Appointed 2018
Zheng Hao, MS, PhD, Kansas State Univ. Appointed 2018
Sarah Hanusch, PhD, Texas State Univ. Appointed 2016
Daniel Kraus, BS, MA, PhD, SUNY Buffalo. Appointed 2018
John Myers, BS, MA, South Dakota School of Mines & Technology; MS, PhD Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln. Appointed 2017
Elizabeth Wilcox, BA, Carleton C.; MS, Univ. of Vermont; PhD, SUNY Binghamton. Appointed 2013
Debrah Appleman, BA, MAT, SUNY Oswego
Greg Churchill, BA, MA, Phd, Univ. of South Florida
Amy Hannanah, BS, SUNY Oswego; MS, Binghamton Univ.
Kamal Jnawali, MS Western Illinois Univ.; PhD, Univ of Guelph.
Linda LeFevre, BS, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Nikita Miasnikov, BA, MS, PhD, CUNY
Christopher Mosbo, MS, Kansas State Univ.
Gregory Schneider, BA, MS, PhD, Univ of Buffalo, MS, Texas A&M.