Sep 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]




  • ZOO 387 - Herpetology

    2017-2018 Catalog Year:

    The course surveys the anatomy, ecology, evolutionary history, systematics, diversity, and conservation of non-avian reptiles and amphibians.

    Prerequisite: BIO 120 or instructor permission
    Offered: Not on a regular basis
    Credit: 3
  • ZOO 389 - Animal Ecology

    2017-2018 Catalog Year:

    An overview of animal ecology including biodiversity, habitat selection, species interactions, current conservation topics, behavioral strategies, eco-evolutionary dynamics and modern field techniques. Laboratory with field component is required.

    Prerequisite: BIO 220 or instructor permission.
    Offered: Not on a regular basis
    Credit: 4
  • ZOO 390 - Wildlife Techniques

    2017-2018 Catalog Year:

    An experiential introduction to contemporary field, laboratory, and computer techniques used in wildlife science, management, and conservation.

    Note: Lecture 3 credit, Lab 0 credit.
    Prerequisite: BIO 120
    Offered: Not on a regular basis
    Credit: 3
  • ZOO 399 - Independent Study

    2017-2018 Catalog Year:

    Student investigation into specific areas of zoology. Prerequisites: nine hours in biological sciences, permission of the department, and satisfactory fulfillment of College requirements for independent study courses.

    Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
    Offered: Spring
    Credit: 1 to 3
  • ZOO 405 - Limnology

    2017-2018 Catalog Year:

    A study of the physical, chemical and geological factors that influence biological productivity of inland waters. Field trips are taken to nearby lakes and streams where students in teams measure various physical and chemical parameters and take biological samples. Laboratory analysis of these samples is undertaken throughout the semester so that the results of the various trips can be compared.

    Prerequisite: Twelve hours of biological sciences, including BIO 320, or instructor permission.
    Offered: Not on a regular basis
    Credit: 3
  • ZOO 440 - Ichthyology (Biology of Fishes)

    2017-2018 Catalog Year:

    Morphology, physiology, behavior and ecology  of freshwater and marine fishes. Laboratory  includes study of morphological adaptations, practice in identification of local species, and field studies.

    Prerequisite: Twelve hours of biological sciences; or instructor permission.
    Offered: Fall
    Credit: 3
  • ZOO 451 - Human Osteology

    2017-2018 Catalog Year:

    Dead men do tell tales. In this course, students gain an in-depth knowledge of human skeletal anatomy (osteology), which is crucial for work in bioarchaeology, forensics, anatomy, medicine and more. Anthropometric methods will be demonstrated to estimate age-at-death, sex, stature, and ancestry and medico-legal and archaeological applications will be outlined.

    Prerequisite: Upper division standing and ANT 280 or 354, or BIO 203, or ZOO 305, or ZOO 340, or ZOO 370; or instructor permission.
    Equivalent Course: ANT 451
    Offered: Not on a regular basis.
    Credit: 4
  • ZOO 498 - Internship in Zoology

    2017-2018 Catalog Year:

    This course is designed for students who wish to participate in a specific internship related to the field of zoology. A maximum of six credit hours of the internship can be applied toward the major.  Available for 0 to 12 credits.

    Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
    Offered: Not on a regular basis

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