Feb 15, 2025  
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog 
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Table II: Summary of Graduation Requirements

  Bachelor of Arts
All Programs
Bachelor of Science Liberal Arts and Sciences Bachelor of Science Adolescence Education Bachelor of Science Childhood Education Programs Bachelor of Science Technology Education Technology Management Bachelor of Science Vocational Teacher Programs Bachelor of Science Wellness Management Bachelor of Science Business Programs Bachelor of Fine Arts
I. General Education Table I (found under Curriculum Information) applies to all columns appropriate
II. Total Hours Liberal Arts 90 90 75 75 60 60 58 66 105-123
III. Hours in Major, Concentration, or Certification Area See individual requirements for each major, concentration or certification area.
IV. Hours in Professional, Education Courses  
     a. Adolescence      37            
     b. Childhood        46          
     c. Technology Education          26        
     d. Vocational Teacher Preparation            30–31      
V. Cognate Requirements See individual cognate requirements for each major.
VI. Minimum Number of Hours in Upper Division Courses 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42
VII. Max. Hours in One Discipline 54                
TOTAL for DEGREE 122 122-123 122 122 126-128 127 122 122 123

In referring to Table II, one should not add the credit hour requirements in each category to arrive at the total for the degree. The curriculum of the College was adopted to give students greater flexibility in the selection of courses. Therefore, it is possible to satisfy major requirements, cognate requirements, and general education requirements with the same course. For example, if a major program required a course in statistics as a cognate, and if the statistics course is approved for General Education credit, then the student can satisfy the requirement for that cognate in the major and at the same time a General Education requirement. Liberal arts courses are all courses in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; the School of Communication, Media and the Arts; the Department of Health Promotion and Wellness; and any course approved for General Education credit (including writing plan courses).