2013-2014 Graduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Educational Administration
Angela Perrotto, Chair and Program Coordinator
214 Hewitt Union • 315-312-2264
General Information
The Educational Administration program at Oswego offers a program designed for students possessing a Master’s degree. Students in the program matriculate for a Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS) in Educational Administration.
Prerequisites to Admission
Permanent certification as a teacher and a Master’s degree.
- Prospective students should submit to the Dean of Graduate Studies:
- Evidence of scholarship and academic potential
- Undergraduate academic record and completed graduate course work
- Proof of permanent certification—a copy of the certificate will suffice
- Evidence of administrative potential
- Two letters of recommendation. These letters must support the applicant’s commitment to leadership responsibility and be written by administrators, one of whom must be the candidate’s direct supervisor.
- Student’s statement about goals, prior related experiences and future plans
- The above evidence must be submitted to the Graduate Office. When the file is complete, it is sent to the department. The file is reviewed and a decision is made by the Educational Administration faculty.
- After the student has been admitted to the program, the student is assigned a faculty advisor. The advisor works closely with the student in preparing the program. The student may request a particular advisor.
Degree Candidacy
It is the responsibility of the student to file for degree candidacy when 12 to 18 hours of course work have been completed. Hours over 18 are subject to forfeiture. A cumulative average of 3.0 or better in applicable graduate work is required to qualify for the awarding of degree candidacy status. Degree candidacy applications can be obtained from the Graduate Office or the Educational Administration Department. It is filed in the Graduate Office.
It is the responsibility of the student’s faculty advisor to evaluate the student’s program and progress in terms of the criteria established by the graduate faculty. The evaluation may be in the form of either an oral or written examination.
After this evaluation, recommendations regarding the student’s candidacy status are transmitted to the Graduate Office. If the recommendations are acceptable, the student is admitted as a degree candidate and is so informed by the department.
Degree Requirements
To be awarded the Certificate of Advanced Study a student:
- Must have completed a minimum of three years of approved teaching in an elementary or secondary school, or the equivalent.
- Must have completed a minimum of twenty-four hours of graduate degree courses at Oswego.
- Must have maintained an academic average of B in the graduate course work.
- Must have been accepted as a certificate candidate for the CAS.
- Must have successfully completed an approved administrative internship.
- Must have successfully completed a comprehensive examination conducted by a committee of graduate professors.
- Must have completed the program including all course work, within seven years after being admitted to the program.
- Must pass the School District Leader state assessment.
- Must apply for the CAS at the Office of Graduate Studies according to the following schedule:
Completion of program requirements by December, file by the preceding October 1; Completion of program requirements by May, file by preceding February 1; Completion of program requirements by August, file bythe preceding July 1.
Certificate of Advanced Study