Sep 07, 2024  
2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog 
2008-2009 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Academic Support Resources


Oswego has many resources and facilities that support student learning and complete the nurturing environment of our academic community. An overview of some of them follows.

Academic and Tutoring Support Services


106 Campus Center, Poucher Wing

SUNY Oswego provides academic and tutoring support services to all students enrolled at the college. The Office of Learning Services (OLS) houses three particular services, the Writing Center, the Learning Center, and the Center for Mathematics and Natural Sciences which students, especially lower division students, find helpful. Students who would like to work on improving particular skills, on mastering a particular subject, or are interested in improving their ability to succeed on tests in a particular course can take advantage of these services. Supervised by full-time professional staff of the college, tutoring is typically provided by undergraduate students who have been successful in a particular course or an academic major and who have received training in how to effectively assist students in improving their basic skills, mastering their understanding of course content, or in learning how to be a better student. Tutorial support is available for all lower division courses. Students may request services by applying in person or on-line.

The Office of Learning Services also administers the First Year Select. The First Year Select program is designed for first year students who would benefit from a learning community designed to foster the development of sound study and critical thinking skills. It is a series of courses combining a composition course, a mathematics course (based on placement), a learning to learn course, and either a gateway course or a General Education course. The community provides study groups and coordinated syllabi, which enhance good study and learning techniques and ensure that the student makes progress toward meeting the college’s basic skills requirements.

Collegiate Science & Technology Entry Program
106 Campus Center, Poucher Wing

Are you interested in pursuing a career in science, technology, business, education, or a health-related field but do not know where to turn? Are you unsure of how to be successful in college? The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) aims to increase the retention and graduation rates of underrepresented minorities in the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics; as well as those pursuing careers in the professions.

The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) at SUNY College at Oswego is a scholars program designed to increase the number of historically underrepresented minorities and economically disadvantaged students in scientific, technical, business, and health-related professions, as well as those seeking post-baccalaureate education. CSTEP stresses the importance of high levels of student achievement and involvement. Through CSTEP you get to know and work one-on-one with faculty committed to student success, doing independent research, exploring employment and graduate school opportunities, and developing friendships that last beyond the college years. CSTEP gives students a unique opportunity to interact and work with other students throughout New York State, whom also take their education seriously. Students participate in a wide variety of activities including traveling to academic conferences, graduate school fairs, and career fairs. Additionally, CSTEP students go through extensive preparation for graduate school, including test preparation and assistance in identifying programs.

CSTEP’s mission is to provide a structured network of services that fosters the development of each student’s academic, social, and personal skills with support, guidance, and encouragement of faculty, staff, and fellow CSTEP students. As a CSTEP member students have access to a wide variety of workshops, programs, and support services:

Networking -Get connected to a large network of peers, faculty and staff at Oswego and beyond,
Mentoring - Develop personal and professional relationships with faculty,
Personal Development - Work one-on-one with peers and staff to build confidence and abilities,
Professional Development - Develop the skills and knowledge needed for the future,
Exam Preparation - Minimal cost for Kaplan courses available for students needing to prepare for the GRE, GMAT, LSAT, and MCAT,
Tutoring Assistance - No cost tutoring services available through the Office of Learning Services,
Technology - Laptop loaners and exclusive computer labs available for CSTEP student use,
Personalized Support - CSTEP works with students individually to meet needs and help you find potential.

Participants in CSTEP are expected to be good academic citizens. This means that you will be actively involved in the programs, workshops, and services that the program offers. Students are expected to:
• Attend at least three workshops or programs during the academic year;
• Complete one internship and/or a research project before graduating;
• Attend at least one conference within the first three years of your college experience;
• Maintain a GPA of 2.5 or better;
• Meet with your academic counselor at least once each semester;
• Develop and maintain an academic plan; and
• Take the appropriate prep course for graduate school exams (GRE, LSAT, GMAT, MCAT).

Application Procedures

Joining CSTEP is easy. To be a member in CSTEP you must be:
• A resident of New York State;
• Historically underrepresented in math, science, technology, and health-related fields;
• A full-time student in good academic standing pursing a degree in an eligible major; and
• Have a GPA of 2.50 of higher.

Students who meet these guidelines can pick up an application from the CSTEP office in 106 Campus Center – Poucher Wing. CSTEP staff will review the application and notify students upon acceptance.
For more information about CSTEP please explore the website or contact the program.

Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program
106 Campus Center, Poucher Wing

The Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program is a national program funded by the United States Department of Education that aims to increase the number of historically underrepresented students in graduate school, doctoral programs, and the professoriate. The McNair Program receives $231,000 per year to support 26 talented junior and senior students.

The Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program at SUNY College at Oswego is designed to encourage, motivate and prepare students for doctoral study. As a two-year undergraduate research program model with an eight-week summer research component following their junior year, the scholars begin the program as either a sophomore or junior. The program addresses students’ needs for research experience, faculty mentoring, information on graduate education and the application process, while improving academic skills – all in preparation for doctoral study completion.

Student eligibility includes a minimum grade point average of 2.75 or better. Two-thirds of the McNair Scholars are low income; the first generation of their family to attend college while one-third is from underrepresented groups (African American, Latino/Hispanic and Native American) in graduate school. They must be enrolled for minimal of 12 hours per semester during the academic year. Students are selected for their intellectual curiosity and vigor, interest in earning a doctoral degree and teaching at the university level. They are also selected based on their ability to pursue rigorous and substantive research.

The overall goal of the McNair Scholars Program is to prepare 26 scholars each year to successfully pursue and apply to doctoral programs. The overall grant objectives as per the U.S. Department of Education are: 

1)  to recruit and enroll 26 Scholars and to maintain this number of participants   

     through the life of the grant; 

2)  to maintain or increase Scholars’ grade point averages at 3.0 or better; 

3)  to engage Scholars in high quality research and scholarly activities 

4)      to provide Scholars direct and indirect funding which supports their

      preparation for graduate school; and 

5)      to support Scholars in their doctoral study plans with academic, financial and

psycho-social through professional development seminars.

McNair Scholars participate in a wide variety of activities and receive many benefits from their participation in the program. They include but are not limited to: 
Hands-on Research - Work one-on-one with a faculty mentor to develop and complete a research project,
Personal Development - Work one-on-one with peers and staff to build your confidence and abilities,
Professional Development - Develop the skills and knowledge you need for your future,
Exam Preparation - Extensive tutoring and preparing for the GRE during the summer research program,
Technology  - Laptop loaners and exclusive computer labs available for McNair student use,
Networking - Connect with a large web of students, staff, and faculty at Oswego and beyond,
Mentoring - Work closely under the guidance of interested faculty,
Personalized Support - McNair works with you to meet your needs and help you find your potential.

McNair Scholars participate in a variety of workshops during the academic year and during the summer research program. All the informative sessions are presented in either a seminar or workshop format.  These sessions are provided to assist in the process of choosing appropriate graduate programs, preparing for graduate school entrance exams, locating potential resources available to help pay for graduate school while managing and surviving the application process. Other workshops will be scheduled to assist those in polishing writing skills, expanding basic knowledge with computer software or perfecting presentation skills.

An applicant for the McNair Program must either be a first generation college student with demonstrated high financial need or a member of an underrepresented groups which has traditionally been underrepresented at the graduate level (African American, Latino American, Native American). The applicant must also meet the following: 

  • Be highly motivated, dedicated towards gaining a Ph.D. and teaching at the university level;  
  • Have achieved junior class standing (talented sophomores may be considered); 
  • Be a citizen or permanent resident of the United States; and 
  • Have a minimum overall grade point average of 2.75 or better.

Application Procedures

To pick up an application or for further information about eligibility requirements or the program, please contact Dr. Adrianne Morton, Program Director in 106 Poucher Hall by phone at (315) 312-4079 or via e-mail . The office is open Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The McNair Scholars Program application is available online at  McNair Program Application and Instructions (pdf)

For more information about the McNair Scholars Program please explore the website or contact the program.


Campus Technology Services



Campus Technology Services (CTS) is an integrated service organization caring for administrative computing, instructional computing, network services, technology user support and telecommunications. Together, we deliver a broad set of infrastructure, applications and services that are vital to the operation and mission of SUNY Oswego.

SUNY Oswego students can get started using the technology services on campus by activating their SUNY Oswego computer account. Activating your account is required to use many of the services on campus including ResNet, wireless computing, the computer labs, and more. Online account activation is available via our web site,

With the computer account, comes an email address that can be used for on-campus and off-campus communications. Students are encouraged to check their SUNY Oswego email on a regular basis or have it forwarded to another email address that they read on a regular basis. Many campus announcements and faculty/student communications occur with this email address.

Internet services include ResNet, dial-up, and wireless computing. ResNet is the network in the residence halls. Students living on-campus may opt to subscribe to a wired network connection to their personal computer for a semester fee. Dial-up service is also available to on campus and off-campus students at no charge, aside from phone charges.

There are many wireless computing spaces around campus, identified by a wireless logo. Wireless areas on the SUNY Oswego campus are intended to cover classrooms and public gathering spaces such as academic commons and dining halls. Some popular wireless computing spaces include the dining halls, Penfield Library, and the Campus Center, and most academic classrooms.

Many computer labs are also available on campus. CTS provides over 250 Windows and Macintosh computers for general student access and over 700 computers in specialized departmental labs. There are general access computer labs for student use in Penfield Library (including the 24-hour room), Mahar Hall, Snygg Hall, and Campus Center. Additional labs are available in some of the residence halls including Oneida, Scales, and Hart.

Departmental computer labs are available to students in their instructional programs. Some departmental computer labs are included in the Art and Graphic Arts, Chemistry, Communication Studies, Computer Science, Mathematics, Modern Languages, Music, Physics, Psychology, and Technology departments as well as the School of Education, and the School of Business.

Phone and voice-mail service are available to on-campus students living in the residence halls. On-campus phone calls and on-campus or off-campus incoming calls can be made and received at no charge. A billing plan is required to make off-campus phone calls.

The myOswego web site is used to take care of business. Just point your web browser to for access to your personal college records. You can register for classes, pay your bill, review your financial aid, and check your grades.

CTS also provides classroom technology. Many of our Advanced Technology Classrooms (ATCs) are equipped with projection, audio/video tape playback, document camera, DVD, and networked computer access.

Our Technology Support Center is available to assist students with any of the technology services that we provide. Located in 26 Lanigan Hall, the TSC provides a central location and single point of contact for technology support and information.

Environmental Research Center


310 Piez Hall

Contact: Director, Environmental Research Center, Department of Chemistry

The Environmental Research Center (ERC) is a specialized research unit of the College housed within the Department of Chemistry. The ERC provides state-of-the-art analytical services for multidisciplinary environmental, human health, and Great Lakes research projects. The ERC specializes in the analysis of congener-specific polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and organochlorine pesticides in a variety of environmental matrices. The ERC has two environmental chemistry laboratories equipped with research-grade analytical instrumentation for sample preparation and the measurement of organic contaminants in the environment.

Recent studies conducted at the ERC have included: Great Lakes Fish Monitoring Program, Lake Ontario Air Deposition Study (LOADS), congener-specific analysis of PCBs in human placental tissues; reductive dechlorination of PCBs in an anaerobic bioreactor systems; analysis of native Alaskan foods; development of analytical methods for the determination/separation PCBs/PCTs in industrially contaminated sediments; and utilization of snapping turtles and zebra mussels as environmental biomonitors. Research funding is provided through collaborative grants from USEPA, ATSDR, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NYS Great Lakes Protection Fund, Great Lakes Research Consortium, Alcan Aluminum Corporation, and World Wildlife Federation.

Opportunities exist for interested faculty and students to become involved in collaborative and multidisciplinary research projects. Highly qualified undergraduate and graduate students are supported with extramural research funding and environmental fellowships. Independent study and Capstone research experiences are also offered for qualified students through the Department of Chemistry.

Office of Business and Community Relations


103 Rich Hall

The Office of Business and Community Relations:

  • Administers the Small Business Development Center, which uses SUNY Oswego faculty, staff and students to counsel individuals who want to start or expand a small business.
  • Provides classroom training and workshops to groups of individuals who want to start small businesses.
  • Administers the Workforce Development Board of Oswego County, which writes and obtains training grants for the private and public sectors.
  • Administers the Leadership Oswego County program, a nine-month program that teaches community trusteeship, leadership skills, current issues and networking to a diverse group of community residents.
  • Provides technical assistance to and conducts workshops for not-for-profit boards that teach governance and organizational development.
  • Provides technical assistance, research, impact analysis and grant writing for local government and community agencies, using SUNY Oswego faculty and professional staff.
  • Serves as a conduit for research projects from the business community to various campus departments.
  • Administers the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), which places people aged 55 and older in volunteer assignments they find meaningful, while at the same time satisfying community needs.

Penfield Library



Penfield Library, located in the heart of campus, is a high tech information center featuring Internet access to information repositories worldwide, an integrated computer catalog, and our own cyber café. The Library houses a growing collection of over 475,000 bound volumes, two million pieces of microform, and partial U.S. and New York State government documents depositories. Additionally, the Library subscribes to nearly 26,000 print and/or electronic journals, magazines and newspapers. Over seventy public Internet stations and twenty-five laptops available for loan inside the building provide access to numerous research databases and full-text resources. Campus Technology Services maintains a computer lab on the first floor of the building which provides students with access to an additional fifty-eight PCs and Macintoshes and networked printing. The lab is open during standard library hours. CTS also maintains twenty-five computers in a separate 24-hour study room on the first floor. The first and second floors are wireless-enabled for further Internet use, as is the Lake Effect Café, which provides pastries and Starbucks coffee to hungry researchers.

The four-story, air-conditioned building has seating for more than one thousand two hundred students. In addition to the Café, seating accommodations include large tables, individual open carrels, locked carrels, lounge chairs, and couches. Other spaces are provided throughout the building for individual study and group project work. One entire floor is designated as a Quiet Study Area.

Rapid improvements in information storage and retrieval mean that the business of using a library is constantly changing. Penfield’s well trained, friendly staff provides library users with assistance in choosing and accessing pertinent print and electronic sources for the many academic and personal concerns that are part of today’s college environment. Reference librarians are available whenever the library is open, answering information queries in person, by telephone, and electronically. Librarians serve as liaisons to academic departments, and hand-choose materials specifically for the use of SUNY Oswego students and faculty. Oswego students are exposed to instruction on how to use the library and its resources as part of their English 102 classes, through online tutorials, and in group and one-on-one “Xtreme Research” consultations. Over 80% of students take advantage of library instruction programs every year.

Penfield Library also provides access to materials in other libraries through its interlibrary loan networks, featuring a special, high-speed SUNY university-wide delivery system. Our large media area has equipment for using the library’s collections of videotapes, DVDs, slides, compact discs and other media. The Library’s Special Collections houses the College archives, rare books, and local history materials, including the papers of the United States’ thirteenth president, Millard Fillmore.

In addition to collections, facilities, and services designed to facilitate learning and scholarship, the library also provides leisure reading materials and resources for personal interest and research.

Rice Creek Field Station



The College operates a field station located one mile south of the main campus as a year-round facility providing opportunities for field oriented biological and earth science teaching and research. The building, constructed in 1966, contains two laboratories, a lecture/seminar room and a small museum area housing collections of plants, vertebrates and invertebrates, and a sheltered outside self-guiding visitors center. The grounds surrounding the station include an herb garden and 300 acres of fields, forests, ponds and streams that are used by students in formal course work and independent study projects. In addition to academic offerings, the Field Station provides public programs in nature education for groups and individuals, school age to adult. Four nature trails, open to the public, provide opportunities for hiking, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing. The Orange trail, about two miles in length, is also open for bicycling. The trails pass through fields and woods in several stages of succession. Trial maps are available at the field station building.

The Children’s Center


131A Sheldon Hall

The Children’s Center provides child care and preschool programs for children ages 18 months-5 years. The curriculum areas include art, science, music, cognitive and language development, and outdoor play. Meals and snacks are provided. Tuition is based on a sliding scale according to household income and child care tuition subsidies are sometimes available for low income students. Call the center as early as possible to be put on the waiting list

Waterman Theatre


Tyler Hall Box Office

Waterman Theatre is located in the Fine and Performing Arts building. This 500 seat continental style theatre includes strong support facilities. The theatre is equipped with counter weighted fly lines, electronic dimmers, stage traps, elevated orchestra pit, a complete intercommunications system and sound system. Support areas include well equipped scene and costume shops, a lighting and electronic experimentation room storage galleries, make-up and dressing rooms, quick change rooms, a green room, and a flexible black box space used for classes and production. Waterman Theatre is used by the Departments of Theatre and Music for their performances, by ARTSwego, and college clubs such as Del Sarte and Gospel Choir.

International Language and Education Center


101 Sheldon Hall

The International Language and Education Center administers the Summer Intensive English Program and the English For Academic Purposes Program for students who are required or are interested in improving their proficiency in English. The Summer Intensive English Program offers credit courses for beginner, intermediate and advanced speakers of English as a Second Language. Students receive formal instruction daily to improve their skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Additionally, instructors focus on grammar and pronunciation. Students also participate in required and optional after-class activities that include weekend trips, presentations, and tutoring sessions. The English for Academic Purposes Program (EAP) offers credit courses each fall semester to exchange, undergraduate and graduate students who are required to or desirous of developing their academic proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing. These courses count as Art and Science electives in most undergraduate programs.
